Have you ever heard the saying, “When pricing goods and services, be sure you are comparing apples to apples?” So it is when selecting a rug and carpet cleaner. Frequently, you see ads for cleaning specials, most of which seem too good to be true. Usually, they are just that. However, your purchasing decision is made much easier if you know the five basic steps involved in quality cleaning.
- First: Pre-vacuuming with a heavy-duty unit. “Why can’t I vacuum my own carpet and skip this step?” you ask. First, the cleaner’s vacuum should be more powerful than yours. Second, the cleaner should know where the most destructive soils reside. Obviously, the cleaner should also know the best techniques for removing these soils. Because the average carpet contains 55% abrasive soil, if it’s not removed during cleaning, carpet fibers become dingy and, ultimately, may be destroyed because of abrasive wear.
- Second: Preconditioning chemical application. Usually, soil accumulates in carpet over several years. To suggest that it’s possible to spray on a cleaning solution and vacuum out instantly suspended soil is sheer over-simplification. Often, homeowners complain about the “faded” or dingy traffic area from the den to the kitchen, even after cleaning is completed. Usually, that’s not fading; it is remaining soil that was never properly suspended during the preconditioning phase.
- Third: Rinsing (extraction) of soil. Just as your hair or clothing require rinsing of soil and excess detergent, so also carpet fibers must be thoroughly rinsed. Of course, this is why steam cleaning (extraction) has become so popular.
- Fourth: Finishing. This involves using a specialized brush, comb, or rake to set the carpet’s pile for best appearance and minimum distortion while drying. It’s also essential for uniform distribution of after-treatments, such as deodorants or carpet protectors.
- Fifth: Drying. A conscientious cleaner is extremely concerned about speeding up drying. Not only does damp carpet provide a perfect environment for mildew growth, but it’s also a major source of inconvenience for you and your family.
Well, there you have it. That’s what “clean” means. If you don’t get all five, then you don’t get the quality we think you deserve.